Category: Uncategorized


I Want To Know

Lately I have had a thirst for feedback.  I have started a new job, published a book, written several posts here, and have made some serious changes in my lifestyle.  Oddly enough I have...


Soothing One’s Spirit

In a life that rushes, hustles, demands and pushes how can we soothe our ruffled feathers and be kind and compassionate to ourselves? What measures can we take in soothing our spirit and calming...


Our “Dinner of Truth”

Having young adult children is exciting.  Learning about how they view me as a parent from their perspective is even more exciting. My husband and I have four young people getting ready to move...


Christmas Magic

The magic of Christmas has come and gone again but I cannot get a recent conversation about Santa Claus out of my mind.  So secure was I in the idea of him that I...


Respect our Common Ground

How can I have a conversation with someone without it going sideways?  Is it possible to have a strongly different notion, understanding, or experience and still be able to see another side? It is...


Take A Risk

Standing with my toes on the threshold of the door, poised to jump. I’m willing to risk change. I will take a risk and see where it leads  me. That is where I am...


What Did You Expect?

Expectations will trip you up every time!  By now, you might think I would know better. I set myself up by allowing my mind to imagine and plan – Want to make God laugh?...



     Why are human beings so change averse? Change is inherent in everything that touches our lives but one area that it seems most troublesome in is relationships.  Regardless of the nature of...


A Balanced Life

“I’m not Wonder Woman.”  She told me – she being a diminutive, blonde woman in her fifties.  Honestly, I never considered for a second that she was.  She seemed to have a need to...